Monday, January 16, 2012

My Journey

I have decided to look and see if I've lost anymore weight since I've started trying to. In July 2011 I was around 190 sometimes a bit more but I'll average it out to
190. Now Jan 2012 I'm at 173. I feel pretty good about it since I've stayed steady around this weight. I of course bounce up a few lbs depending on the day but I've stayed steady for a month or so at 173-175. I've bought some fun exercise DVD's that include weights which have helped me and I've been running. I've even ran 2 5K's! I still run about a 5K when I'm out and hope to run further as the year goes on. Plus run a bit faster so next year my 5K is in better time. Running to music helps a lot. I hope to keep shedding the lbs as I'd like to get to around 115-120. I know that's a lot but if I keep it up and work hard maybe by the end of the year I'll be close. I really need to cut back on soda and desserts. All I can do is try. I'm thankful for my family who is a good support to me. So here's to a new year and new goal of getting fit!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weight Loss

I started my weight loss journey on July 11th. Now around a month later, 9 weeks, I am down 10 lbs. I'm sticking to my 1 lb a week weight loss it seems. As frustrating as this is at least I'm still losing weight. I have been taking a B Vitamin as well as a Slim Quick diet supplement. I take that and it seems to help curb my appetite a bit. The vitamin I think helps me not be so tired. I'm not losing weight as fast as I would like to but I'm trying to not get depressed about it. To be honest though there are days where I do get depressed, especially when someone at the store will ask me when I'm due. Really? Do you need to ask people that when you have no idea? I was in baggy clothes from cleaning and cooking, guess I can't wear those out and about. I do fit into a couple of capris from before Kallen. I will continue to try and control my portions and eat healthy. I'm still training for my 5K in Oct. I'm not exercising as much as I was but I still get in at least 3 days a week. The running is getting a bit easier and I'm actually looking forward to the race. So keep up the good work me! you're doing great. Don't get discouraged. It took 5 years to put it on you can take time to get it all off.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weight Loss Goal In Progress

x this by 8

I started The Biggest Loser Challenge at work 6 weeks ago. Since that time I've been trying very hard to exercise and eat right. I had my sister to work-out with and help motivate me. By the end of the Challenge I lost 7 lbs. I went from 189-182. It's not as much as I had hoped to lose but with all the ups and downs along the way I am grateful for those 7 lbs lost. Now the Challenge is over but the desire to exercise and eat healthy has blossomed inside me.

Larry has been watching the babies in the morning while Jen and I exercise and that is a big help. Plus with kids being in school that helps as well. So Kait and Kam go to school, Kal takes a nap and depending on the day Kinsee might be in school so that keeps Kai awake and exercising with us or playing with Larry. If Kinsee is home they play together which is very nice. Now on to a new goal...

Jen and I have decided to train for a 5K race. We would like to sign up for the one in Mesa for Thanksgiving Day, the Turkey Trot. Before that though we have the chance to run in UT for the Dead vs the Living 5K. I'm really hoping we do this as it seems fun and running in a race benefits those we're running for as well as us. Plus having a goal for why we're running helps to not hate running so much. So we are now In Training.

Jen and I also went to a Hypnotherapy appointment the other day to help us in our weight loss goal. I was skeptical at first not knowing what to expect. But...I have to say I honestly think it is helping. I'm not sure what all she said to us while we were under but I do have the desire to eat smaller portions and to be happy with what we're eating. I want to drink water over kool-aid. I feel a little more relaxed and happy. I want to exercise and eat right. I want to lose the weight and be satisfied. I can feel myself at the weight I want to be. This may seem weird but I think I'm a believer in the hypnotherapy. I may just do it again when I feel like I need a boost or a bit of help. Since this appointment I've lost another pound! I know it could be water or just the daily fluctuations but I know I can lose this weight. I can do it!

So now 6 weeks and 2 days later I'm down 8lbs! May not seem like much but you look at that picture and multiply it by 8 and it really is quite a bit. Jen and I can do it!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weight Loss So Far

I think we're on week 4 of the Biggest Loser challenge at work and I've gone from 189 to 183 (I'm rounding up the couple of ounces to get to this it was actually 182.8). Not bad I guess but near what I was hoping to have lost by now. I guess I should be happy that I'm at least losing weight, right? So yay for the 6 lbs in 4 weeks. We have 2 more weeks to go so I'm hoping to keep up the downward trend. I've been bad in the fact that I've been eating desserts again so I need to cut those back or out and then continue to exercise, maybe even add some time to my workout regime. Keep up the hard work!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hate it!!!!

I hate that I can't lose anything or keep it off! I hate that no matter how hard I try I'm not getting anywhere. I've been exercising 30-60 min a day. I've cut back on my sweets and snacking. I'm watching my portions and STILL no success. I lost a few lbs only to have them come back on. I hate it! I hate the way I look! I hate it all. But I have 5 more weeks on this competition so I'll keep trying and keep hating how I can't be successful. Is it my age? My metabolism? The fact I only get 3-4 hrs of sleep a day? Is it because I work nights? I don't know and I'm too mad to care.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 1 of Biggest Loser

This week has been Week 1 of my Biggest Loser Challenge with work. I have tried really hard to cut back on my soda and sweets. I think I've done pretty good too. I didn't deprive myself of everything I just cut back. Baby steps right? I haven't had any soda except for 1 while I'm working to keep me up at night. Even that I'm trying to get away from by buying those 5 hr energy drinks. I haven't had as many desserts but I do have a small treat at times to satisfy my sweet tooth. It's all about portion control for me. I've tried eating healthier and smaller portions for my meals as well. Cutting back on potato chips at lunch time and drinking a lot more water. So after my initial weigh in of 189 my weigh in today was 185.6! Jen and I have been exercising to some DVD's that we have that also incorporate weights in them. I've moved up from 5 lbs weights to 10 lbs weights. I have Bob and Jillian from the t.v. show The Biggest Loser coming into my home to make me work out. I'm loving it and hating it. They are tough videos and make me sweat but I love it. I love feeling like my workouts are doing something for me. We also do Zumba for a day of cardio in between those with weights. I'm excited to see some good results and hope that I can continue to lose weight. I really want to make this work so I'll keep exercising and possibly increase my time doing so from 25-30 min to closer to 45 min this week. I just need to remember that slow and steady sometimes really does win the race. Also to keep cutting back on the portions and sweets. Maybe if I do it little by little I can make and keep the changes instead of feeling hungry and deprived where I'll crave and binge. So here's to another week ahead of making little changes that are good for me and to becoming a healthier person! Way to go Me on the weight loss!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Biggest Loser!

I don't want to take a picture of just me and I don't have one of just me so I'm going to use this picture as my before picture. This week started my Biggest Loser Challenge. My company every year has a Biggest Loser Competition. We put together a team or get put on a team and then do our best to lose weight. There are weigh ins and prizes so we are accountable. Since I didn't have to pay to participate I thought why not? I have a bunch of weight to lose and so here I go! We go from July 11th - Aug 19th. So far I'm motivated, of course it just started, but I really do want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. I know it will take a while to get to my goal but I believe I can do it. So as of yesterday my starting weight was 189.0, although I fluctuate between 188-191. I want to be around 115 since that is in the middle to upper middle weight in my healthy range. I really just want to be able to fit into some of my clothes again and then eventually get down to the size where there are cute clothes. So wish me luck! I have some DVD's to do, I will exercise some outside when it's not too hot, and the hardest will be to watch what I eat. I don't eat a lot but I don't think I eat the right things. I really want to win and be The Biggest Loser!